Dorothy, a smart and sassy moose, struggles with first day jitters as a college student preparing to study dance at Northern Michigan University. Following an unexpected event and years of being bullied by others, Dorothy must confront her self-doubt, fear of judgement, and physical challenges to break free of barriers and pursue her dreams. As Dorothy begins to understand her potential with the help of her animal family and friends, she frees herself from all that is holding her back. In the process, she inspires others to overcome their challenges and find their purpose. Throughout the story, the lively cast of animal characters and scenes bring life to the story as Dorothy shares her journey from fearful moose to college-educated ballerina with the support of her caregiver, teachers, family, and friends. A feel-good story that will inspire both children and adults to forget the nay-sayers and pursue their dreams. Like Dorothy, you can “Dance Your Dance, Sing Your Song.”